Powers of Attorney
Bank Account Attachments: Importance of Serving on the Debtor
Signing of Conveyancing Documents Overseas
Mahlangu and Another v Minister of Labour and Others
Balancing Urgency and Best Interest of the Child
Dealing with Defects, Repairs and Maintenance Issues
What is a Section 345 Letter of Demand?
Case: V.L v O.C.V
Case: Body Corporate of Valleyview v Queen New York Cosmetic (Pty) Ltd
Cultivating a Culture of “Trust”
Not Getting Statements from COJ?
Electronic Contracts and the Sale of Immovable Property
Riding Between the Lines : The Legality of Lane Splitting in South Africa
Liability for Damages Arising from Potholes
Notional Input Tax Credit
A Tenant’s Rights to Notice Before Electricity Disconnection
Costs in Respect of the Sale of a Property for which a Seller is Liable
“Debt Rehabilitation” and the City of Joburg Municipality